Chain 0.469 0.625 0.750 X&C Bearing Factory

High quality bearing supply, factory direct sales, bearing prices are cheap, please contact us if necessary.

Bearing size and model


Rolltr Pin Pfitc QreriHWIWi Maxlaaa ArtnSe Avv.WeigM
0i3. wm Dla. Helgfct Thirteen A]!ovab!e Ultliwte Per Fool (lbs)
B w 0 H T L1 L2 Lojd (fts) Strength (Ita) Rhreted
0.312 5/16 0.156 0.450 0.060 0 323 0.378 99 2800 0.32
0.4 3/8 0.200 0.591 0.080 0.4 0.467 154 4,450 0.55
0.469 1/2 0.234 0.67 0.125 0.565 0.657 231 6,200 0.93
0.625 5/8 0.312 0.89 0.156 0.699 0.829 396 10,670 1.56
0.750 3/4 0.375 1.126 0.187 0.831 0.969 583 12,900 2.33
0.625 5/16 0.156 0.450 0.060 0.323 0.378 99 2,800 0.55
0.750 3/8 0.2 0.591 0.08 0.4 0.467 154 4.450 0.85
0.875 1/2 0.234 0.67 0.125 0.565 0.657 231 6,200 1.4
1.125 5/8 0.312 0.89 0.156 0.699 0.829 420 10,670 2.26
1.562 3/4 0.375 1.126 0.187 0.831 0.969 583 12,900 3.6
Rodtr Pin Plate OYenll Width UaHmcm Artnge Avg. Weight
Oia. Oia. HeiflW Uickness Allowable Uitioute Pei fool (its)
B w D H T LI 12 Load Streogth (lbs) Rlnted
0.312 5/16 0.156 0.45 0.060 0.323 0.378 99 2,800 0.29
0.4 3/8 0.2 0.591 0.080 0.4 0.467 154 4,450 0.49
0.469 1/2 0.234 0.67 0.094 0.5 0.583 231 6,200 0.69
0.625 5/8 0.312 0.89 0.125 0.628 0.75 396 10,670 1.15

High quality bearing supply, factory direct sales, bearing prices are cheap, please contact us if necessary.

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