Ball transfer units SPM03000CX SPM04500CX SPM03000SSCX CAB bearings FACTORY

CAB bearings Factory is a prefessional supplier of bearings and have many years’ experience in exporting.Please send inquiry to;

Product number

dw D D1 h H b s ^
SPM03000CX SPM 30 CX Zinc plated steel body, inner ball race made of AISI 420C hardened stai门less steel, balls made of AISI 420C stainless steel 30 45 土 0,08 55 13,8 土 0,3 36,8 8 210 0,355
SPM04500CX SPM 45 CX 45 62 土 0,1 75 19 土 0,4 53,5 10 400 0,990
SPM03000SSCX SPM 30 SS CX AISI 303 stainless steel body, inner ball race made of AISI 420C hardened stainless steel, balls made of AISI420C stainless steel 30 45 土 0,08 55 13,8 土 0,3 36,8 8 210 0,355
SPM04500SSCX SPM 45 SS CX 45 62 土 0,1 75 19 土 0,4 53,5 10 400 0,990
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SBM00800A Body made of steel, balls made of AISI 52100 chrome steel 8 18 土 0,08 2 土 0,2 12 12 9 0,018
SBM01200A SBM 12 A 12 22 土 0,08 5,5 土 0,2 17,5 20 15 0,035
SBM00800B SBM 8 B Body made of zinc plated steel, balls made of AISI 52100 chrome steel 8 18 土 0,08 2 土 0,2 12 12 9 0,018
SBM01200B SBM 12 B 12 22 土 0,08 5,5 土 0,2 17,5 20 15 0,035
SBM01500B SBM 15 B 15 24 土 0,08 5 土 0,2 20 50 35 0,050
SBM02200B SBM 22 B 22 36 土 0,08 5,3 土 0,2 30,5 4 180 125 0,170
SBM03000B SBM 30 B 30 45 土 0,08 8± 0,3 36,8 8,5 350 250 0,330
SBM04500B SBM 45 B 45 62 土 0,1 13 ± 0,3 53,5 10 600 420 0,945
SBM00800C SBM 8C Body made of zinc plated steel, balls made of AISI 420C stainless steel 8 18 土 0,08 2 土 0,2 12 10 7 0,018
SBM01200C SBM 12 C 12 22 土 0,08 5,5 土 0,2 17,5 15 10 0,035
SBM01500C SBM 15 C 15 24 土 0,08 5 土 0,2 20 40 25 0,050
SBM02200C SBM 22 C 22 36 土 0,08 5,3 土 0,2 30,5 4 130 90 0,170
SBM03000C SBM 30 C 30 45 土 0,08 8 土 0,3 36,8 8,5 240 170 0,330
SBM04500C SBM 45 C 45 62 土 0,1 13 ± 0,3 53,5 10 400 280 0,945
SBM00800SS SBM 8 SS Body made of stainless steel, balls made of AISI 420C stainless steel 8 18 ± 0,08 2 土 0,2 12 10 9 0,018
SBM01200SS SBM 12 SS 12 22 土 0,08 5,5 土 0,2 17,5 15 10 0,035
SBM01500SS SBM 15 SS 15 24 土 0,08 5 土 0,2 20 40 25 0,050
SBM00800BD SBM 8 BD Body made of zinc plated steel, big ball made of plastic*, small balls made of AISI 52100 chrome steel 8 18 土 0,08 2 土 0,2 12 3 0,016
SBM01200BD SBM 12 BD 12 22 土 0,08 5,5 土 0,2 17,5 5 0,030
SBM01500BD SBM 15 BD 15 24 土 0,08 5 土 0,2 20 13 0,035
SBM02200BD SBM 22 BD 22 36 ± 0,08 5,3 土 0,2 30,5 4 20 0,140
SBM03000BD SBM 30 BD 30 45 土 0,08 8 土 0,3 36,8 8,5 25 0,240
SBM04500BD SBM 45 BD 45 62 土 0,1 13 土 0,3 53,5 10 30 0,650
SBM00800CD SBM 8 CD Body made of zinc plated steel, big ball made of plastic*, small balls made of AISI 420C stainless steel 8 18 土 0,08 2 土 0,2 12 3 0,016
SBM01200CD SBM 12 CD 12 22 土 0,08 5,5 土 0,2 17,5 5 0,030
SBM01500CD SBM 15 CD 15 24 土 0,08 5 土 0,2 20 13 0,035
SBM02200CD SBM 22 CD 22 36 ± 0,08 5,3 土 0,2 30,5 4 20 0,140
SBM03000CD SBM 30 CD 30 45 土 0,08 8 土 0,3 36,8 8,5 25 0,240
SBM04500CD SBM 45 CD 45 62 土 0,1 13 土 0,3 53,5 10 30 0,650
SBM00800SSCD SBM 8SSCD Body made of stainless steel, big ball made of plastic*, small balls made of AISI 420C stainless steel 8 18 土 0,08 2 土 0,2 12 3 0,016
SBM01200SSCD SBM12SSCD 12 22 土 0,08 5,5 土 0,2 17,5 5 0,030
SBM01500SSCD SBM15SSCD 15 24 土 0,08 5 土 0,2 20 13 0,035
D1 h H b M
SBM 8 B FL Body made of zinc plated steel, balls made of AISI 52100 chrome steel 8 18 2 土 0,2 12 6 12 9
SBM 12 B FL 12 22 5 土 0,2 17,5 8 15-20 20 15 0,045
SPM 15 B FL 15 24 31 9,5 土 0,2 21 5,5 8 15-20 50 35 0,070
SBM 8 C FL Body made of zinc plated steel, balls made of AISI 420C stainless steel 8 18 2 土 0,2 12 6 43023 10 7 0,025
SBM 12 C FL 12 22 5 土 0,2 17,5 8 15-20 15 10 0,045
SPM 15 C FL 15 24 31 9,5 土 0,2 21 5,5 8 15-20 40 25 0,070
SBM 8 SS FL Body, components and all the balls made of AISI 420C stainless steel 8 18 2 土 0,2 12 6 43023 10 7 0,025
SBM 12 SS FL 12 22 5 土 0,2 17,5 8 15-20 15 10 0,045
SPM 15 SS FL 15 24 31 9,5 土 0,2 21 5,5 8 15-20 40 25 0,070
SBM 8 BD FL Body made of zinc plated steel, big ball made of plastic*, small balls made of AISI 52100 chrome steel 8 18 2 土 0,2 12 6 43023 3 0,020
SBM 12 BD FL 12 22 5 土 0,2 17,5 8 15-20 5 0,035
SPM 15 BD FL 15 24 31 9,5 土 0,2 21 5,5 8 15-20 13 0,055
SBM 8 CD FL Body made of zinc plated steel, big ball made of plastic*, small balls made of AISI 420C stainless steel 8 18 2 土 0,2 12 6 43023 3 0,020
SBM 12 CD FL 12 22 5 土 0,2 17,5 8 15-20 5 0,035
SPM 15 CD FL 15 24 31 9,5 土 0,2 21 5,5 8 15 – 20 13 0,055
SBM 8 SS CD FL Body made of stainless steel, big ball made of plastic*, small balls made of AISI 420C stainless steel 8 18 2 ±0,2 12 6 43023 3 0,020
SBM 12 SS CD FL 12 22 5 土 0,2 17,5 8 15-20 5 0,035
SPM 15 SS CD FL 15 24 31 9,5 土 0,2 21 5,5 8 15-20 13 0,055
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Body made of zinc plated steel, balls made of AISI 52100 chrome steel 24 3 8 5 20 15 0,035
SBM01500B-I SBM 15 B FL int. 15 24 土 0,08 5 土 0,2 28 8 8 50 35 0,050
SBM02200B-I SBM 22 B FL int_ 22 36 土 0,08 5,3 士 0,2 40,5 4 8 10 180 125 0,170
SBM03000B-I SBM 30 B FL int. 30 45 土 0,08 8 土 0,3 46,8 8,5 8 10 350 250 0,330
SBM04500B-I SBM 45 B FL int. 45 62 土 0,1 13 土 0,3 63,5 10 8 10 600 420 0,945
SBM01200C-I SBM 12 C FL int. Body made of zinc plated steel, balls made of AISI 420C stainless steel 12 22 土 0,08 5,5 土 0,2 24 3 8 5 15 10 0,035
SBM01500C-I SBM 15 C FL int. 15 24 土 0,08 5 土 0,2 28 8 8 40 25 0,050
SBM02200C-I SBM 22 C FL int. 22 36 土 0,08 5,3 土 0,2 40,5 4 8 10 130 90 0,170
SBM03000C-I SBM 30 C FL int. 30 45 ± 0,08 8 土 0,3 46,8 8,5 8 10 240 170 0,330
SBM04500C-I SBM 45 C FL int. 45 62 土 0,1 13 土 0,3 63,5 10 8 10 400 280 0,945
SBM01200BD-I SBM 12 BD FL int. Body made of zinc plated steel, big ball made of plastic*, small balls made of AISI 52100 chrome steel 12 22 土 0,08 5,5 土 0,2 24 3 8 5 5 0,030
SBM01500BD-I SBM 15 BD FL int. 15 24 土 0,08 5 土 0,2 28 8 8 13 0,035
SBM02200BD-I SBM 22 BD FL int. 22 36 土 0,08 5,3 土 0,2 40,5 4 8 10 20 0,140
SBM03000BD-I SBM 30 BD FL int. 30 45 土 0,08 8 土 0,3 46,8 8,5 8 10 25 0,240
SBM04500BD-I SBM 45 BD FL int. 45 62 土 0,1 13 土 0,3 63,5 10 8 10 30 0,650
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SPM02200AF SPM 22 AF Hounsing made of burnished steel, body made of zi门c plated steel, balls made of AISI 52100 chrome steel 22 39 土 0,1 50 18,5 58 14 80 7,5 +25/-7,5 0,36
SPM03000AF SPM 30 AF 30 48,5 土 1,2 62 24,5 70 17,5 150 13,5 +15/-7,5 0,68
SPM04500AF SPM 45 AF 45 66,5 土 1,5 85 36 100,5 25,5 215 23 +15/-7,5 1,90
SPM02200CF SPM 22 CF Hounsing made of burnished steel, body made of zinc plated steel, balls made of AISI 420C stainless steel 22 39 土 0,1 50 18,5 58 14 80 7,5 +25/-7,5 0,36
SPM03000CF SPM 30 CF 30 48,5 土 1,2 62 24,5 70 17,5 150 13,5 + 15/-7,5 0,68
SPM04500CF SPM 45 CF 45 66,5 土 1,5 85 36 100,5 25,5 215 23 +15/-7,5 1,90

CAB bearings Factory is a prefessional supplier of bearings and have many years’ experience in exporting.Please send inquiry to;

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