Angular contact ball bearings BSN1747 BSN2052 beaings rulman roulment rodamiento rolamento lager Подшипник

CAB bearings FACTORY is beaings rulman roulment rodamiento rolamento lager Подшипник factory  manufactuers suppler authrised  distirbutor  wholesales  sales  shop agents.

We produce and deal with oil seals chains industrial belts gearbox parts accessories SKF bearings FAG NSK Timken INA KOYO NTN.,

Bearing for Pumps and Compressors

Spot bearing model table, Model substitution Cross-reference Brand model reference Model substitution Substitute Bearing interchange Bearing brand replacement Model replace

BSN1747 17 47 25 0.6 28.1 37.7 19.3 29.7 21.2 450 0.23 6,700 19 4
BSN2052 20 52 28 0.6 32.6 43 25.1 41 29.3 650 0.31 5,800 25 4
BSN2557 25 57 28 0.6 37.6 48 27 48 34 750 0.36 5,100 35 4
BSN3062 30 62 28 0.6 42.6 53 28.6 55.5 38.5 850 0.4 4,500 45 4
BSN3072 30 72 38 0.6 49.1 64.4 57.5 94 66.5 950 0.74 3,900 80 4
BSN3572 35 72 34 0.6 53.1 62.2 40 77.5 52 900 0.66 3,800 50 4
BSN4075 40 75 34 0.6 56.2 68.1 42 88 58.5 1,000 0.65 3,500 65 4
BSN4090 40 90 46 0.6 63.2 80 75 135 91 1,200 1.38 3,100 155 4
BSN5090 50 90 34 0.6 70.2 82.1 45.5 110 71.5 1,250 0.93 2,800 110 4
BSN50110 50 110 54 0.6 78.2 97.4 110 219 149 1,400 2.46 2,500 200 4
BSN60110 60 110 45 0.6 83.2 99.2 82.5 187 126 1,300 1.82 2,400 155 4
BSF series
BSF1762 17 62 25 0.6 28.1 37.7 48 6.8 17 3 3 x 120° M6 3 19.3 29.7 21.2 450 0.46 6,700 19 5
BSF2068 20 68 28 0.6 32.6 43 53 6.8 19 3 4 x 90。 M6 4 25.1 41 29.3 650 0.61 5,800 25 5
BSF2575 25 75 28 0.6 37.6 48 58 6.8 19 3 4 x 90。 M6 4 27 48 34 750 0.73 5,100 35 5
BSF3080 30 80 28 0.6 42.6 53 63 6.8 19 3 6 x 60。 M6 6 28.6 55.5 38.5 850 0.79 4,500 45 5
BSF30100 30 100 38 0.6 49.1 64.4 80 8.8 30 3 8 x 45。 M8 8 57.5 94 66.5 950 1.71 3,900 80 5
BSF3590 35 90 34 0.6 53.1 62.2 75 8.8 25 3 4 x 90。 M8 4 40 77.5 52 900 1.2 3,800 50 5
BSF40100 40 100 34 0.6 56.2 68.1 80 8.8 25 3 4 x 90。 M8 4 42 88 58.5 1,000 1.49 3,500 65 5
BSF40115 40 115 46 0.6 63.2 80 94 8.8 36 3 12 x 30。 M8 12 75 135 91 1,200 2.56 3,100 155 5
BSF50115 50 115 34 0.6 70.2 82.1 94 8.8 25 3 6 x 60。 M8 6 45.5 110 71.5 1,250 1.89 2,800 110 5
BSF50140 50 140 54 0.6 78.2 97.4 113 11 45 3 12 x 30。 M10 12 110 219 149 1,400 4.46 2,500 200 5
BSF60145 60 145 45 0.6 83.2 99.2 120 8.8 35 3 8×45。 M8 8 82.5 187 126 1,300 4.06 2,400 155 5
BSN-DT series
BSN1747-DT 17 47 50 0.6 28.1 37.7 31.5 59.5 42.5 790 0.46 6,700 19 6
BSN2052-DT 20 52 56 0.6 32.6 43 41 82 58.5 1,180 0.62 5,800 25 6
BSN2557-DT 25 57 56 0.6 37.6 48 44 96 68 1,370 0.71 5,100 35 6
BSN3062-DT 30 62 56 0.6 42.6 53 46.5 111 77 1,580 0.8 4,500 45 6
BSN3072-DT 30 72 76 0.6 49.1 64.4 93.5 188 133 1,800 1.47 3,900 80 6
BSN3572-DT 35 72 68 0.6 53.1 62.2 64.5 155 104 1,630 1.32 3,800 50 6
BSN4075-DT 40 75 68 0.6 56.2 68.1 68.5 176 117 1,850 1.3 3,500 65 6
BSN4090-DT 40 90 92 0.6 63.2 80 122 269 182 2,300 2.76 3,100 155 6
BSN5090-DT 50 90 68 0.6 70.2 82.1 74 220 143 2,330 1.86 2,800 110 6
BSN50110-DT 50 110 108 0.6 78.2 97.4 179 440 299 2,690 4.92 2,500 200 6
BSF-DT series
BSF1762-DT 17 62 50 0.6 28.1 37.7 48 6.8 42 3 6 x 60° M6 5 31.5 59.5 42.5 790 0.89 6,700 19 I 7
BSF2068-DT 20 68 56 0.6 32.6 43 53 6.8 47 3 8×45° M6 7 41 82 58.5 1,180 1.17 5,800 25 I 7
BSF2575-DT 25 75 56 0.6 37.6 48 58 6.8 47 3 8 x 45° M6 7 44 96 68 1,370 1.46 5,100 35 I 7
BSF3080-DT 30 80 56 0.6 42.6 53 63 6.8 47 3 12 x 30° M6 11 46.5 111 77 1,580 1.58 4,500 45 I 7
BSF30100-DT 30 100 76 0.6 49.1 64.4 80 8.8 68 3 8 x 45° M8 8 93.5 188 133 1,800 3.41 3,900 80 II 7
BSF3590-DT 35 90 68 0.6 53.1 62.2 75 8.8 59 3 8 x 45° M8 7 64.5 155 104 1,630 2.3 3,800 50 I 7
BSF40100-DT 40 100 68 0.6 56.2 68.1 80 8.8 59 3 8 x 45° M8 7 68.5 176 117 1,850 2.88 3,500 65 I 7
BSF40115-DT 40 115 92 0.6 63.2 80 94 8.8 82 3 12 x 30° M8 12 122 269 182 2,300 5.12 3,100 155 II 7
BSF50115-DT 50 115 68 0.6 70.2 82.1 94 8.8 59 3 12 x 30° M8 11 74 220 143 2,330 3.78 2,800 110 I 7
BSF50140-DT 50 140 108 0.6 78.2 97.4 113 11 99 3 12 x 30° M10 12 179 440 299 2,690 8.92 2,500 200 II 7

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