Ball Bearing MER-1904 MER-104 MER-204 CAB bearings FACTORY

CAB bearings Factory is beaings rulman roulment rodamiento rolamento lager Подшипник factory  manufactuers suppler authrised  distirbutor  wholesales  sales  shop agents.

We produce and deal with oil seals chains industrial belts gearbox parts accessories SKF bearings FAG NSK Timken INA KOYO NTN

Spot bearing model table, Model substitution Cross-reference Brand model reference Model substitution Substitute Bearing interchange Bearing brand replacement Model replace

MER-1904 20 0.7874 37
MER-104 20 0.7874 42
MER-204 20 0.7874 47
MER-304 20 0.7874 52
MER-1805 25 0.9843 37
MER-1905 25 0.9843 42
MER-105 25 0.9843 47
MER-205 25 0.9843 52
MER-305 25 0.9843 62
MER-1806 30 1.1811 42
MER-1906 30 1.1811 47
MER-106 30 1.1811 55
MER-206 30 1.1811 62
MER-306 30 1.1811 72
MER-1807 35 1.3780 47
MER-1907 35 1.3780 55
MER-107 35 1.3780 62
MER-207 35 1.3780 72
MER-307 35 1.3780 80
MER-1808 40 1.5748 52
MER-1908 40 1.5748 62
MER-108 40 1.5748 68
MER-208 40 1.5748 80
MER-308 40 1.5748 90
MER-1809 45 1.7717 58
MER-1909 45 1.7717 68
MER-109 45 1.7717 75
MER-209 45 1.7717 85
MER-309 45 1.7717 100
MER-1810 50 1.9685 65
MER-1910 50 1.9685 72
MER-110 50 1.9685 80
MER-210 50 1.9685 90
MER-310 50 1.9685 110
MER-1811 55 2.1654 72
MER-1911 55 2.1654 80
MER-111 55 2.1654 90
MER-211 55 2.1654 100
MER-311 55 2.1654 120
MER-1812 60 2.3622 78
MER-1912 60 2.3622 85
MER-112 60 2.3622 95
MER-212 60 2.3622 110
MER-312 60 2.3622 130
MER-1813 65 2.5591 85
MER-1913 65 2.5591 90
MER-113 65 2.5591 100
MER-213 65 2.5591 120
MER-313 65 2.5591 140
MER-1814 70 2.7559 90
MER-1914 70 2.7559 100
MER-114 70 2.7559 110
MER-214 70 2.7559 125
MER-314 70 2.7559 150
MER-1815 75 2.9528 95
MER-1915 75 2.9528 105
MER-115 75 2.9528 115
MER-215 75 2.9528 130
MER-315 75 2.9528 160
MER-1816 80 3.1496 100
MER-1916 80 3.1496 110
MER-116 80 3.1496 125
MER-216 80 3.1496 140
MER-316 80 3.1496 170
MER-1817 85 3.3465 110
MER-1917 85 3.3465 120
MER-117 85 3.3465 130
MER-217 85 3.3465 150
MER-317 85 3.3465 180
MER-1818 90 3.5433 115
MER-1918 90 3.5433 125
MER-118 90 3.5433 140
MER-218 90 3.5433 160
MER-318 90 3.5433 190
MER-1819 95 3.7402 120
MER-1919 95 3.7402 130
MER-119 95 3.7402 145
MER-219 95 3.7402 170
MER-319 95 3.7402 200
MER-1820 100 3.9370 125
MER-1920 100 3.9370 140
MER-120 100 3.9370 150
MER-220 100 3.9370 180
MER-1821 105 4.1339 130
MER-1921 105 4.1339 145
MER-121 105 4.1339 160
MER-221 105 4.1339 190
MER-1822 110 4.3307 140
MER-1922 110 4.3307 150
MER-122 110 4.3307 170
MER-222 110 4.3307 200
MER-1824 120 4.7244 150
MER-1924 120 4.7244 165
MER-124 120 4.7244 180
MER-224 120 4.7244 215
MER-1826 130 5.1181 165
MER-1926 130 5.1181 180
MER-126 130 5.1181 200
MER-226 130 5.1181 230
MER-1828 140 5.5118 175
MER-1928 140 5.5118 190
MER-128 140 5.5118 210
MER-228 140 5.5118 250
MER-1830 150 5.9055 190
MER-1930 150 5.9055 210
MER-130 150 5.9055 225
MER-1832 160 6.2992 200
MER-1932 160 6.2992 220
MER-132 160 6.2992 240
MER-1834 170 6.6929 215
MER-1934 170 6.6929 230
MER-134 170 6.6929 260
MER-1836 180 7.0866 225
MER-1936 180 7.0866 250
MER-136 180 7.0866 280
MER-1838 190 7.4803 240
MER-1938 190 7.4803 260
MER-138 190 7.4803 290
MER-1840 200 7.8740 250
MER-1940 200 7.8740 280
Ball Bearings
Inch Series
RI-1812 0.5000 12.700 1.1250
RI-2258 0.6250 15.875 1.3750
RI-2634 0.7500 19.050 1.6250
RI-3078 0.8750 22.225 1.8750
RI-3216 1.0000 25.400 2.0000
RI-3418 1.1250 28.575 2.1250
RI-3620 1.2500 31.750 2.2500
RI-4224 1.5000 38.100 2.6250
Ball Bearings
Inch Series
Torque Tube – Radial
RI-538 0.6250 15.875 1.0625
RI-539 0.7500 19.050 1.1875
RI-540 0.8750 22.225 1.3125
RI-541 1.0625 26.988 1.5000
RI-542 1.3125 33.338 1.7500
RI-543 1.5625 39.688 2.0000
RI-544 1.8125 46.038 2.2500
RI-545 2.0625 52.388 2.6250
RI-546 2.3125 58.738 2.8750
RI-547 2.5625 65.088 3.2500
RI-548 2.8125 71.438 3.5000
RI-549 3.0625 77.788 3.8750
Ball Bearings
Inch Series
Torque Tube – Angular Contact
MERI-538 0.6250 15.875 1.0625
MERI-539 0.7500 19.050 1.1875
MERI-540 0.8750 22.225 1.3125
MERI-541 1.0625 26.988 1.5000
MERI-542 1.3125 33.338 1.7500
MERI-543 1.5625 39.688 2.0000
MERI-544 1.8125 46.038 2.2500
MERI-545 2.0625 52.388 2.6250
MERI-546 2.3125 58.738 2.8750
MERI-547 2.5625 65.088 3.2500
MERI-548 2.8125 71.438 3.5000
MERI-549 3.0625 77.788 3.8750
Ball Bearings
Inch Series
Thin Section – Radial and Gothic Arch
1/8 RI-1878 0.8750 1.1250
1/8 RI-2117 1.0625 1.3125
1/8 RI-2420 1.2500 1.5000
1/8 RI-2622 1.3750 1.6250
1/8 RI-2824 1.5000 1.7500
1/8 RI-3026 1.6250 1.8750
1/4 RI-4032 2.0000 2.5000
5/16 RI-4232 2.0000 2.6250
1/4 RI-4840 2.5000 3.0000
5/16 RI-5040 2.5000 3.1250
1/4 RI-5648 3.0000 3.5000
5/16 RI-5848 3.0000 3.6250
3/8 RI-6048 3.0000 3.7500
1/4 RI-6052 3.2500 3.7500
5/16 RI-6252 3.2500 3.8750
3/8 RI-6452 3.2500 4.0000
1/4 RI-6456 3.5000 4.0000
5/16 RI-6656 3.5000 4.1250
3/8 RI-6856 3.5000 4.2500
1/4 RI-6860 3.7500 4.2500
5/16 RI-7060 3.7500 4.3750
3/8 RI-7260 3.7500 4.5000
1/4 RI-7264 4.0000 4.5000
5/16 RI-7464 4.0000 4.6250
3/8 RI-7664 4.0000 4.7500
1/2 RI-8064 4.0000 5.0000
1/4 RI-7668 4.2500 4.7500
5/16 RI-7868 4.2500 4.8750
3/8 RI-8068 4.2500 5.0000
1/2 RI-8468 4.2500 5.2500
1/4 RI-8072 4.5000 5.0000
5/16 RI-8272 4.5000 5.1250
3/8 RI-8472 4.5000 5.2500
1/2 RI-8872 4.5000 5.5000
1/4 RI-8476 4.7500 5.2500
5/16 RI-8676 4.7500 5.3750
3/8 RI-8876 4.7500 5.5000
1/2 RI-9276 4.7500 5.7500
1/4 RI-8880 5.0000 5.5000
5/16 RI-9080 5.0000 5.6250
3/8 RI-9280 5.0000 5.7500
1/2 RI-9680 5.0000 6.0000
5/16 RI-9888 5.5000 6.1250
3/8 RI-10088 5.5000 6.2500
1/2 RI-10488 5.5000 6.5000
5/16 RI-10696 6.0000 6.6250
3/8 RI-10896 6.0000 6.7500
1/2 RI-11296 6.0000 7.0000
5/16 RI-114104 6.5000 7.1250
3/8 RI-116104 6.5000 7.2500
1/2 RI-120104 6.5000 7.5000
3/8 RI-124112 7.0000 7.7500
1/2 RI-128112 7.0000 8.0000
3/8 RI-132120 7.5000 8.2500
1/2 RI-136120 7.5000 8.5000
3/8 RI-140128 8.0000 8.7500
1/2 RI-144128 8.0000 9.0000
1/2 RI-152136 8.5000 9.5000
1/2 RI-160144 9.0000 10.0000
1/2 RI-168152 9.5000 10.5000
1/2 RI-176160 10.0000 11.0000
Ball Bearings
Inch Series
Thin Section – Angular Contact
1/8 MERI-1878 0.8750 1.1250
1/8 MERI-2117 1.0625 1.3125
1/8 MERI-2420 1.2500 1.5000
1/8 MERI-2622 1.3750 1.6250
1/8 MERI-2824 1.5000 1.7500
1/8 MERI-3026 1.6250 1.8750
1/4 MERI-4032 2.0000 2.5000
5/16 MERI-4232 2.0000 2.6250
1/4 MERI-4840 2.5000 3.0000
5/16 MERI-5040 2.5000 3.1250
1/4 MERI-5648 3.0000 3.5000
5/16 MERI-5848 3.0000 3.6250
3/8 MERI-6048 3.0000 3.7500
1/4 MERI-6052 3.2500 3.7500
5/16 MERI-6252 3.2500 3.8750
3/8 MERI-6452 3.2500 4.0000
1/4 MERI-6456 3.5000 4.0000
5/16 MERI-6656 3.5000 4.1250
3/8 MERI-6856 3.5000 4.2500
1/4 MERI-6860 3.7500 4.2500
5/16 MERI-7060 3.7500 4.3750
3/8 MERI-7260 3.7500 4.5000
1/4 MERI-7264 4.0000 4.5000
5/16 MERI-7464 4.0000 4.6250
3/8 MERI-7664 4.0000 4.7500
1/2 MERI-8064 4.0000 5.0000
1/4 MERI-7668 4.2500 4.7500
5/16 MERI-7868 4.2500 4.8750
3/8 MERI-8068 4.2500 5.0000
1/2 MERI-8468 4.2500 5.2500
1/4 MERI-8072 4.5000 5.0000
5/16 MERI-8272 4.5000 5.1250
3/8 MERI-8472 4.5000 5.2500
1/2 MERI-8872 4.5000 5.5000
1/4 MERI-8476 4.7500 5.2500
5/16 MERI-8676 4.7500 5.3750
3/8 MERI-8876 4.7500 5.5000
1/2 MERI-9276 4.7500 5.7500
1/4 MERI-8880 5.0000 5.5000
5/16 MERI-9080 5.0000 5.6250
3/8 MERI-9280 5.0000 5.7500
1/2 MERI-9680 5.0000 6.0000
5/16 MERI-9888 5.5000 6.1250
3/8 MERI-10088 5.5000 6.2500
1/2 MERI-10488 5.5000 6.5000
5/16 MERI-10696 6.0000 6.6250
3/8 MERI-10896 6.0000 6.7500
1/2 MERI-11296 6.0000 7.0000
5/16 MERI-114104 6.5000 7.1250
3/8 MERI-116104 6.5000 7.2500
1/2 MERI-120104 6.5000 7.5000
3/8 MERI-124112 7.0000 7.7500
1/2 MERI-128112 7.0000 8.0000
3/8 MERI-132120 7.5000 8.2500
1/2 MERI-136120 7.5000 8.5000
3/8 MERI-140128 8.0000 8.7500
1/2 MERI-144128 8.0000 9.0000
1/2 MERI-152136 8.5000 9.5000
1/2 MERI-160144 9.0000 10.0000
1/2 MERI-168152 9.5000 10.5000
1/2 MERI-176160 10.0000 11.0000

Grease Seals Wear Sleeves,Oil Seals,V-Rings,Pulleys,Sprockets,V-Belts,Tapered Roller Bearings,Cam Followers,Mounted Units,Needle Bearings,Precision BearingsRod Ends,Roller Bearings,Spherical Roller Bearings,Spherical Bushings,Thrust Bearings,Grease,Ball Bearings,Chain,Actuators,Profile Rail,Ball Screws,Ball Bushings,Locknuts/Washers,Bearing Heaters,Lubricators,Precision Shafting

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