Deep groove ball bearings 63204 DDU 63205 DDU CAB bearings FACTORY

We are a professional manufacturer of bearings, supplying high quality bearings, can be customized for non-standard bearings, if you need bearings, please contact us.Sales@Precision-Bearings.Com,

Bearing model list

63204 DDU 0.7874 1.8504 0.8125 0.039 0.969 1.614 2870 1480 0.34
63205 DDU 0.9843 2.0472 0.8125 0.039 1.172 1.811 3150 1760 0.39 bearing bearing Number
63206 DDU 1.1811 2.4409 0.9375 0.039 1.406 2.205 4370 2540 0.96 free1 Nominal Bearing Dimensions#d inch
63207 DDU 1.378 2.8346 1.0625 0.039 1.614 2.559 5780 3440 0.96 free2 Nominal Bearing Dimensions#D inch
63208 DDU 1.5748 3.1496 1.1875 0.039 1.811 2.874 6550 4010 1.28 free3 Nominal Bearing Dimensions#B inch
63209 DDU 1.7717 3.3465 1.1875 0.039 2.008 3.071 7050 4590 1.37 free4 Preferred Shoulder Diameters r* inch
free5 Preferred Shoulder Diameters Shaft inch
free6 Preferred Shoulder Diameters Housing inch
free7 Basic Load Ratings Cr lbs
free8 Basic Load Ratings Cor lbs
weight Approx. bearing weight lbs

We are a professional manufacturer of bearings, supplying high quality bearings, can be customized for non-standard bearings, if you need bearings, please contact us.Sales@Precision-Bearings.Com,

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